Saturday, March 31, 2012


Well the countdown to my son's high school graduation has begun.  It was bittersweet when my son turned 18 a few weeks back, but now I have to hold myself together for another 51 days till I see Jake walk across that stage and receive that diploma.  That diploma signifies the next step in his life, the next season in mine.  As parents we want to hold our children close to us, protect them, but on the flip side, we know it's only right to set them free to find themselves and hope that we've instilled the values to make them fine men and women.  Unfortunately, there's no manual to help us get through these times, so this blog will be my journey through a bittersweet season of my life and maybe it can help others get through th empty nest years as well.  You'll read about the tears, the fears, the joys and all the proud moments that are bestowed upon me as I attempt to maintain my sanity, my patience, all while watching my son turn into a young man!